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Transformational Wellbeing

Astrology * Mindbody tools * Rituals

The work I share is designed to help you explore and embody your true potential.

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Hi, I'm Julie 

I founded Moons of Many to share methodologies, practices and tools that I've found to have the most transformational and profound effect on my healing journey



Why Astrology?

Astrology is all about getting to know yourself on an intimate level. It offers you a tangible map to moving foward by outlining what will best support you in your growth, what conditions you thrive in, and how to best live your life in a way that is fulfilling.

Chances are, you want harmony in your relationships, deep love, to feel fulfilled and secure in your career, abundant, emotionally secure and resourced, mentally engaged and stimulated, in good health with plenty of energy, joyful and alive - with a strong sense of meaning and purpose guiding your life.

These are all areas that astrology provides profound and nuanced insight on. 

Astrology shows us the dynamics and tensions, patterns and themes we are here to explore on our soul's journey. And the energy that we can use to best embrace an aspect of our life. 

And while there is seemingly so much astrology information out there  - its application in our lives can seem abstract.

My work seeks to make astrology accessible to you - so that you can know how to actually APPLY the information in your birth chart, so that you can be the most you -  and thus embody an experience of  success and deep satisfaction. 

It’s my belief that when astrology is paired with mindbody tools, it can work to powerfully transform your life - in a very tailored and nuanced way like no other modality can.

Understanding that the entire  zodiac, houses and planets represent qualities of expressions of energy that as human beings in this age, we experience through what may seem like mundane themes, but as astrology demonstrates, are actually very sacred portals of transformations of energy. Through our well-being practices, romance and relationships, career and finances, hobbies and interests, home life, public life and so forth, we are really playing with the potential for the transformation of energy - the  embodiment of our soul, and the evolution of our ever expanding spirit.

One of my favourite things about astrology is that we can restore magic to the mundane, by becoming aware of the power of all facets of our lives. And what may have seemed like a blah area - can suddenly become ripe with wonder and possibilities for transformation, that then ripples into another (seemingly unrelated but very much related) aspect of our life.

Astrology can be used as a powerful compass - guiding  you on how to most skillfully navigate through your human experience. 

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